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Equipment Upgrade - 2018
In 2018 we were lucky enough to acquire a collection of SuperSlow(R) equipment - in our opinion the pinnacle of weight training exercise machines.
Abstract Bodyworks® UK is proud to announce that we obtained a collection of new exercise machines whose design and implementation is based on the theory of mechanotherapy, the employment of mechanical means to cure disease”. Working closely colleagues in the USA we have managed to add five SuperSlow® machines to our impressive collection of MedX® and Nautilus® equipment.
These machines have been further improved from their already world class designs to ensure the safest and most effective exercise can be achieved when being coached by our world class staff.
Fundamental research has led to a number of realizations about how the body works,
and how the “disease” of aging is actually more accurately characterised as a
reversible change in the body due to changes in activity levels and diet. Following up
from these original discoveries, Abstract Bodyworks undertook a series of
research projects in collaboration with Southampton Solent University.
The results of this research have now been published, but in summary they show that
S²MART® Exercise, as done by our clients under our supervision, can assist
dramatically in improvements in health and body composition, with
very small investments in time!
Having secured a number of these wonderful machines we wish to make them available to the good people of Newbury. The pictures shown here are of the three trainers we have, and some of the new and old equipment we all love to work with. Whether you are someone who wants to be as fit as you used to be, someone who is already on a health and fitness programme but wants to make more focused improvements, or someone who has never been to a gym but recognizes that you need to do something to improve your overall health, Abstract Bodyworks can help you.
Everyone gets two workouts completely free so you can experience the unique and proven approach to personal health. And with only 15 minute commitments required, no need for “workout gear”, and no contracts, why not book your sessions today and start on your road to rediscovering your health.

Site Setup - 2013
Everyone’s body is in a constant state of balance and adaptation, attempting to maximise longevity and minimize energy expenditure. That is one of the reasons we put on fat and lose muscle after about the age of 25: FAT is a long term store of energy for the body to access in times of famine, and MUSCLE is maintained as strong as our lifestyles require, which in the modern world typically isn’t that strong. Reduced muscle usage is the stimulus which produces the response of muscle loss, a “natural” but entirely reversible physiological development.
The exercise protocols we use at Abstract Bodyworks provide exactly the stimulus your muscles need in order to grow, up to their fullest capacity but never beyond that. The big muscle groups (legs, back, abdomen, arms, …) are isolated and worked to exhaustion – that is the stimulus that causes your body to adapt and so develop stronger muscles. Remember “maximise longevity” above – if your body is “under threat” of “running out of muscle” it will build up the muscle naturally.
By isolating the specific muscle groups and exercising them independently we achieve the deep muscle inroads necessary to stimuate the muscle building response in the safest and healthiest manner, with the side benefit of actually taking the least amount of time. Our philosophy is not “how much can I do?” but “how quickly and safely can I achieve the desired result?”
Beyond the exercises themselves is the environment. Healthy exercise is about achieving the right results and all our trainers use the same proven protocols developed for your needs to help you achieve your goals – these exercises are about you and your needs, not the trainer. In addition all external distractions – other people, mirrors, TVs and music, posters – are missing so you can concentrate on getting fitter and healthier.
And because we help clients build up all their muscles, all aspects of day to day life are enhanced, whether it might be lifting the shopping out of the car, playing that extra set of tennis, dancing the night away … whatever you want to do.