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Abstract Bodyworks is a family of personal training facilities with a single, simple mission and goal – to provide the best possible exercise environment for clients who want to take charge of their own fitness and health so as to extend their Healthy Life Expectancy.
Abstract Bodyworks has developed a training environment and training methods which allow our clients to achieve their personal best condition in a safe and very time efficient manner – no more than two workout sessions per week and no more than 20 minutes per session and you get a complete workout which leads to increased strength and measurably improved fitness.
Exercise should not be about how long it takes but how effective it is. Each Precision Exercise workout is personally constructed to help our clients achieve their individual goals, and because we document the workout fully then the client's progress is not a matter of guesswork.
From the first training session we help our clients increase their strength and fitness naturally by exploiting the stimulus-response mechanisms which human physiology is governed by.
What our clients do with their new fitness levels is as varied as our clients - running a faster marathon, keeping up in spinning classes, picking up the grandchildren, loading the shopping into the car, dancing the night away – it’s up to you!
But don’t take our word for it – people come to Abstract Bodyworks because it delivers measurable results – which is why we don’t need contracts; clients stay because of what they achieve.