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What do our clients get from Abstract Bodyworks?
People come to Abstract Bodyworks for all sorts of reasons. On this page we present a number of stories from some of our clients - perhaps their journey will inspire you to invent a better future for yourself.
Marie’s story.
I started going to yoga classes in the late 1960s, which was the start of my relationship with regular exercise, and in the 1970s was inspired to train as a yoga teacher. This gave me a heightened awareness
of the importance of exercise to wellbeing.
When I moved near to Newbury, I found that my
old friends Pat and Stephen McKinnon were planning
to open Abstract Bodyworks, a new style of gym
that they had found while living in America,
and I became one of their first clients in January 2013.
This was the same year that I turned 70,
and was diagnosed with mild osteoporosis. I felt that
the sort of exercise they offered would be especially
helpful in preventing any further deterioration
and so it has proved.
Now, in 2019, I have been signed off my osteoporosis
medicines because my bone density has actually
improved - a fantastic result for me!. I know that my
muscle tone has also increased because of the
regular reports I receive and I believe I survived and recovered from a serious car accident partly because of the additional strength and muscle I have developed over these six years, getting physiologically younger as I age.